Story Time Felts products should be seen, touched and felt! Remember what fun it was the first time you saw our products? Why not share that experience with as many friends as possible? Think of people from lots of different groups: friends, relatives, neighbors, co-workers, church, club and organization members. To have 10 adults attend your home party, you need to invite 25-30. Be sure to ask everyone to bring a friend! Personally invite (in person or on the phone) everyone on your Guest List. Because of the nature and unique quality of our product, an invitation in the mail cannot possibly convey your enthusiasm for this incredible product.
The best advice we can give about your home party is to relax and have fun! Keep it simple and if you are comfortable with it, let your guests bring their kids! It's fun for us as the Consultant and the guests as parents to be able to have a fun story time with the children. They will get to see first hand which products their child is attracted to, as well as see the magic of the felt in use with their own kids!
The Story of Two Home Party Hostesses...
First there was Mary, so proper was she,
Her invitations were printed in calligraphy!
“I'll invite just ten, I don't know too many...
I'm sure they'll all come, so there will be plenty!”
She set a buffet, fit for a king
But wouldn't let us give her friends a reminder ring!
The night of her party, her home looked just great,
She lit her fancy candles and proceeded to wait!
Only one guest arrived, the fun felt to see.
“Why,” Mary wondered, “does this happen to me?”
And then there was Susan, so excited was she,
She was planning on getting all her felt for free!
She called 25 people, more than her house could hold.
On Story Time Felts, she was truly sold!
People wanted to know what she was talking about!
Her excitement was catching, of that there's no doubt!
She raved about the felt and told them to come see!
She loved getting calls like “I'll come! Count on me!”
She let us call each one to say, “Please bring a friend!
And don't forget about the prize you might win!”
She didn't have time to set a buffet
She stopped by the bakery - her party was that day!
They sat on her sofa, they sat on the floor,
They sat in chairs, and stood in the door!
The house wasn't perfect, but they laughed anyway,
They had a great time buying felt on that day!
The numbers were added, lots of felt she had won!
“Wow!” she exclaimed, “This was really fun!”
So now the choice is yours, you see!
Decide which hostess you'd most like to be!
Questions or concerns? Contact us or your Consultant and we will help you!
More Information...
Tips for a Successful Home Party
Home Party Guest List Form Sample
Who Do You Know to Invite?
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